Other Golly Items in my Collection My main passion for Gollies is the brooches themselves but inevitably other items creep into a collection by various means! Here are the other items that have somehow found their way into my Golly collection.
Fridge Magnets
Button Badges Click on the images to see a larger graphic and, for the Musicians, the full set! If you'd like to see larger, individual graphics of the Musicians (about 30k each) then click on the links below: Accordian The Musicians I have are the plaster type made in Portugal sometime during the 1980's I believe. The original set of Musicians were porcelain models made by Wade and come in at quite a price (anything from £80 upwards so I've been informed - I saw one in a shop in Lewes for £200 but that was pure extortion!) - they can be distinguished by their white, square bases. Later a further set of porcelain Musicians was produced by the Carlton company along with a bandstand for the little fellows to play! These can be found for a more respectable £30-40 each, although I doubt you'd be able to pick the bandstand up for that price - they have black, square bases. Later still came the plaster set. They also have black bases but are much cruder than the first 2 sets and come in a number of slightly different colour schemes. They are nonetheless quite collectable and go for anything up to £15 each in good condition. The Carlton and plaster sets comprised 8 musicians: Accordionist, Cellist, Clarinet Player, Drummer, Guitarist, Saxophonist, Trumpeter and the Vocalist. The original Wade set didn't include a Drummer, Guitarist or Vocalist. I was lucky to find a full set of the plaster Musicians in a shop in Bognor Regis complete with original boxes and inserts! There is another set of Musicians which have white square bases with 'Carltonware' painted on the back. As far as I'm aware these are fakes and shouldn't go for more than about £10 for the set of 8 - although I've seen silly prices paid for them, in excess of £100!?!