Golly Pendants

The 1960 White Waistcoated Pendants
These 2 Smooth Haired pendants have clear differences: the centre one is fatter, his jacket is a lighter blue and the bow tie is red.
The bow tie on the Pendant on the left appears to be black but is in fact a very deep shade of red.
The Pendant on the right is one of the Curly Haired varieties of these 1960 Standards.
On the back of each one is 'GOLDEN SHRED'

Other variations of the 1960 Standard include Golly with different sized eyes and a white bow tie.


The 1970 Pendants
There are 2 different designs of these pendants: Golly walking and Golly standing.
The Standing Golly (as shown above) either has the manufacturer's backstamp or has a plain back.


The 1980 Pendants
There are only 2 pendants based on the 1980 style Golly.
The Standard is backstamped 'James Robertson & Sons PM Ltd'
The Nurse has 'James Robertson & Sons Ltd'

In addition to the few Pendants in my collection there are a number of sterling silver ones dating from the 1980's. 

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